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storage capacitor中文是什么意思

用"storage capacitor"造句"storage capacitor"怎么读"storage capacitor" in a sentence


  • 储能电容器
  • 存储电容器


  • Moreover , the original charging systems need two sets of charging device to charge the storage capacitor and the trigger capacitor separately . the circuit is complex , and the voise of the transformer is large
  • A topological study of representative single - stage pfc converters are presented . in sigle - stage pfc approach , there are two important issues of concern . one issue is how to implement the input current shaper ( ics ) . another one is how to control the energy - storage capacitor voltage below 450v
  • Two single - stage pfc converters with the negative feedback of engergy - storage capacotor voltage by transformer windings are analyzed . the two converters have similar performances , and they can be translated each other , which verified the translation rule . the analysis and simulation show that with the negative feedback of energy - storage capacitor voltage by transformer winding have good performances
用"storage capacitor"造句  


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